Grants (with T3PN affiliated faculty)

  • NSF DBI #1920315 RCN-UBE: Creation of the Biology Educator/Researcher Cross-Segment Collective (PI: Brian Sato, Co-PI: Stanley Lo)
  • NSF DUE #1612258 Assessing the Impact of Teaching Faculty in STEM Institutional Transformation (Co-PIs: Stanley Lo, Brian Sato)
  • NSF DUE #1821724 Examining The Roles of STEM Teaching Faculty in Advancing the Use of Evidence-based Teaching Practices at Research Universities (PI: Brian Sato, Co-PI: Stanley Lo)
  • NSF DUE #1928554 Improving the Transition of Community College Students into University STEM Programs Through Cross-Enrollment (PI: Brian Sato)
  • NSF DUE #1948583 Collaborative Research: Developing Service-Learning Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences to Increase Student Interest in Research by Targeting Communal Goals (PI: Mike Wilton, Co-PI: Eduardo Gonzalez)
  • NSF DUE #2142521 Assessing Peer Mentorship as a Scalable Intervention to Promote the Academic Success and Retention of Diverse Undergraduate Biology Majors (PI: Mike Wilton, Co-PIs: Pavan Kadandale, Brian Sato, Sabrina Solanki)
  • NSF HRD #2113355 The AGEP University of California Alliance: A Model to Advance Equitable Hiring of Teaching-Focused Faculty in STEM (PI: Stanley Lo, Co-PIs: Natascha Buswell, Alegra Eroy-Reveles, Brian Sato, Mike Wilton)
  • NSF HRD #2210997 Conference Proposal: Two-Year/Four-Year Campus Research Communities Examining STEM Transfer Pathways (PI: Brian Sato, Co-PI: Sabrina Solanki)

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grant numbers DUE-1612258, DUE-1821724, and HRD-2113355. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.