Research on T3Ps
- Grants
- NSF HRD 2113355 “The AGEP University of California Alliance: A Model to Advance Equitable Hiring of Teaching-Focused Faculty in STEM” 2021-2016 PI: Stanley Lo
- NSF DUE 1612258 Assessing the Impact of Teaching Faculty in STEM Institutional Transformation” 2016-2021 PI: Michael Dennin
- NSF DUE 1821724 “Examining The Roles of STEM Teaching Faculty in Advancing the Use of Evidence-based Teaching Practices at Research Universities” 2018-2023 PI: Brian Sato
- Publications
- 2019 Xu & Solanki. Tenure-Track Appointment for Teaching-Oriented Faculty? The Impact of Teaching and Research Faculty on Student Outcomes. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis.
- 2020 Harlow et al. Characterizing the University of California’s tenure-track teaching position from the faculty and administrator perspectives. PLOS One.
- 2021 Rutherford et al. Profiles of Instructor Responses to Emergency Distance Learning. Online Learning.
- 2021 Williams & Sato. Constructive or Disruptive? How Active Learning Environments Shape Instructional Decision-Making. Journal of Learning Spaces.
- 2021 Zuckerman et al. Effects of Remote Teaching in a Crisis on Equity Gaps and the Constructivist Learning Environment in an Introductory Biology Course Series. Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education.
- 2022 Denaro et al. Predicting implementation of active learning by tenure-track teaching faculty using robust cluster analysis. International Journal of STEM Education.
- 2022 Harlow et al. Stakeholder perspectives on hiring teaching-focused faculty at research-intensive universities. International Journal of STEM Education.
- 2023 Rozhenkova et al. Limited or complete? Teaching and learning conceptions and instructional environments fostered by STEM teaching versus research faculty. International Journal of STEM Education.

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grant numbers DUE-1612258, DUE-1821724, and HRD-2113355. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.